
What is an Accredited Investor?

Hi everybody my name is John Fischer, welcome to so let’s talk about an accredited investor, what is an accredited investor?  An accredited investor is somebody who makes 200,000 a year for the last two years or three hundred thousand dollar combined, has a million net worth not including his home, has experience in managing his personal portfolio. In the case of the data you’re buying from me they’re vetted, they’re people that have received the private placement memorandum, they have been read the definition of accredited investor and they are asked hey it’s 25 to 50 000 a comfortable entry level so that’s a pretty good strong lead. Remember this broker is hoping to get ahead and send this guy a private placement memorandum hopefully close him to make a 10 percent commission on 25-50,000 so he’s looking to make 2,500-5,000 if he gets his guy to buy whatever the deal happens to be.

So the bottom line is we’ve been doing this for 30 years we have an A+ rating, we have real good sources we have a nice price range anywhere between 50 cents for 5,000 we’ll do a minimum of 2000 for a thousand dollars we’ll do 10,000 for 40 cents and if you really you know I don’t like it but if you guys are into that cheapy cheapie don’t want to call you a piker but what we call piker leads. You know the bottom line is we have them and you know what, the actual leads themselves see the piker leagues we have piker balls. Hey by the way you do a 2500 order I’ll give you one of these piker balls they’re really cool but if you have the actual leads that we’re talking about and you want to throw them into a dollar we could sell you 50,000 for seven and a half cents.

That’s the older stuff that’s stuff from like the guys on the west coast people that went out of business or you know but I ping them I go ahead and I send them out there’s a service that will ping and listen to and if it doesn’t hear that it validates it tells me if it’s a cell number based on the prefixes. It’s an assumption but you know what maybe 15 disconnected numbers and whatever comes out of that dollar as a disconnect I’ll replace two for one so it’s a win-win you help me scrub that data up and you get cheap data that’s pretty much the same as my 50 cent stuff it’s just older and you know you may have to you know doubt some numbers but if I had a brand new crew I had some people offshore I would much rather give them the cheap stuff.

Now you guys that go ahead and spend 350 and you’re looking to raise five million dollars don’t even talk to me please I mean it’s crazy I don’t want you to I don’t want you to be pissed off at me but to me it’s just it’s crazy if you really think you’re going to spend hundreds and raise millions it doesn’t work like that. I have opinions you may love me but I have integrity and that’s what counts okay 30 years A+ rating that’s a long time. I don’t know if you’ve even had a job for 30 years it’s not been easy a lot of evolution in this market the do not call, a pain in the ass 250 million people on the do not call it’s absolutely crazy.

If you have a san number I’ll scrub for free if you don’t have a san then I’ll show you how to get one, if you don’t want to get a san number you’ll sign my identity. I do have 1.3 million litigators and I got to tell you that those are the troublemakers and accredited investors are us. I mean that’s what we do I’ve got at least two million databases I have a lot of fresh stuff, I’ve got a lot of opt-in stuff, I’ve got a lot of clients and I also have you guys selling coins and gold accredited investors is the biggest secret that’s the hottest lead forget coin guys that spend 500 you want a guy that’s got 25 to 50 on the opener. You have any questions feel free to call me John Fischer 561-239-0364 have a beautiful day and god bless.

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