
Precious Metals

Hey everybody my name is John Fischer welcome to not to be mistaken with, our stuff is real. We sell precious metals client lists in many cases we actually show the amount of money that they spend and what they bought. sells model information Zip plus four average I mean you pay seven cents a name and you get what you deserve. … Continue reading Precious Metals

Oil Leads

Hey, everybody, my name is John Fischer welcome to, oil lead I mean geez I mean all investors 32 years this industry started with oil and that’s all we saw was oil and gasoline and now Brandon comes in and there’ll be no new leases. There’ll be no new oil maybe and then look what’s happened to this country since then and it’s hurt my… Continue reading Oil Leads

Real Estate Investor Leads

Hi everybody my name is John Fischer welcome to, let’s talk about real estate investor leads. By the way investor lead is not investor leads sells info USA modeled information they’ve never been vetted these people are not specific to real estate. No one’s called them up and said you make 200,000 a year a million net worth not including your home have you… Continue reading Real Estate Investor Leads

Accredited Investor

Hi, everybody, my name is John Fischer welcome to let’s talk about the accredited invetsor, they’re 50 cents a piece we do 2,000 minimum orders and it’s a thousand dollar minimum and the reason being it’s a numbers game. You got a silence call feature right now that you have to buy twice as many leads as you ever had to buy… Continue reading Accredited Investor

Investor Sales Leads

Investor Lead specializes in accredited investors and we have many different investor sales leads lists that you can choose from. We are affiliated with and we have been in the lead business for over 32 years providing our clients with some of the hottest leads in town. What are investor sales leads? We offer… Continue reading Investor Sales Leads

Hedge Fund Leads

If you are reading this article, you are either here to learn more about hedge fund leads or you are looking to purchase hedge fund leads. Well, you are in luck because not only are we going to learn about these leads, but we also specialize in accredited investor leads! What is a hedge fund?… Continue reading Hedge Fund Leads

Cannabis Leads

If you are looking for cannabis leads then you have come to the right place! is affiliated with and we have been in the lead industry for over 30 years specializing in accredited investor leads. What are cannabis leads? Cannabis leads are a specialized kind of lead in an industry that will attract… Continue reading Cannabis Leads

Telemarketing Leads for Sale

If you are reading this article you are probably looking for telemarketing leads for sale. Luckily for you, we can help you learn about telemarketing leads and also provide you with leads as well! We are affiliated with and we have been in the lead industry for over 30 years, so we know a… Continue reading Telemarketing Leads for Sale

Stock Leads

If you are reading this article you are probably looking for more information on stock leads or you are looking for stock leads. Luckily for you, we can help you learn about stock leads and also provide you with leads as well! We are affiliated with and we have been in the lead industry… Continue reading Stock Leads

Pre-Qualified Investor Leads

If you are looking for pre-qualified investor leads Investor Lead is the place to be! We are affiliated with and we have been in the lead business for over 30 years specializing in accredited investor leads. What are pre-qualified investor leads? We have been in the lead business for over 30 years specializing in… Continue reading Pre-Qualified Investor Leads