
Lead List for Sale

Hi everybody John Fischer, welcome to Lead list for sale so these are keywords and this is how we market. I’m not going to give away too many of my secrets but you know when you go to Google and you punch in certain numbers that’s how we find you guys and that’s how we want to be found. You know and some of these don’t really make sense but we do it anyway because we want you guys to come to see us and say hello and spend some money.

So what is a lead list is many name addresses and phone numbers that are put together okay that’s what a lead is. We particularly concentrate on accredited investors you know the accredited investor makes 200,000 a year million net worth not including his own experience in managing his personal portfolio. My people are vetted and have been sent a private placement memorandum by a broker-dealer. The guy read the definition of accredited investor is 25 to 50 thousand dollars of comfortable entry-level. So you know it’s a hot lead.

If you have a san number Ill scrub, and you don’t have a san number I’ll get you, if you don’t want a san number just sign my indemnity form. I’ve accumulated over the last 10 years one point actually 15 years 1.3 million professional litigators and troublemakers no one’s got that list. Matter of fact I got a company that’s going to start selling that list for people that don’t buy from me, but I’m punishing them right now everybody wants to listen I’m not giving it to them. You want that list you’re gonna have to come to buy leads from me and let me tell you a lot of them are professional litigators that came right from the court records. My customers are always calling up and they’ll say John get this idiot off your list he’s a real jerk hey John this guy’s a troublemaker hey you know this guy’s giving me a bad time. The problem with the professional litigators is that and I’m going off tangent, but they shake you down they’re blackmailers. You know if you don’t send me money I’m going to go to the FTC so it’s a tricky situation. That law sucks someone’s got to be done with it I mean if you take the 240 million people on the do not call there’s nothing left it’s crazy it’s just really crazy.

So do we have a lead list for sale? Yes, we sell lead lists. but they’ve accredited investors or they’re precious metals, bullion buyers, or numismatic coin buyers. That’s the only thing we sell, we don’t sell anything else. We don’t want to have any kind of problems a lot of that stuff I don’t like the warranty I don’t like the medical leads or the insurance leads. Anybody over 65 you know they’re trying to scam them, you know sweepstakes oh my god you know all that crap.

We sell two products precious metals and accredited investors. How much do they cost? Fifty cents apiece what’s the minimum order a thousand dollars if you buy ten thousand we dropped to 40 cents if you have a suppression list we suppress for you. 31 years A+ rating and I’m a one-man operation, and I’m almost 70 years old, so I’m starting to slow down a little bit. If you have any questions about our lead list for sale call me at 561-239-0364.

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