
Coin Leads and Coin Buyers

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Hi, everybody. Welcome to Guess what? Coin leads, coin buyers… I love coin buyers, and we happen to have 50,000 of ‘em. Now, there’s different operating procedures, different mind sets as to: how do you approach various investment arenas? For instance, when we do the accredited investors, we work with people that have been mailed a private-placement memorandum. They are really more popular than the guys that have invest—we call a client list. Why? A lot of them oil-and-gas they hit a dry hole, they think they’ve been wronged. Dry holes is just it’s either you hit a homerun or you hit a single or you strike out. It’s part of the game.

A lot of these people, when they hit a dry hole, probably cuz the salesman pumped up the product so well, they can’t imagine that they hit a dry hole. In that particular arena, although we have some client lists, they’re not as popular as they used to be. So we deal with the PP Crème- the private placement memorandum recipient. PP stands for private placement, and Crème stands for cream of the crop. The coin buyers, we only deal with client lists. So we wait for a company to go out of business. We make sure they’re out of business.

Believe me, we get a lot of offers- Fedexes and this and that, you know, this guy’s list and that guy’s list. They’re outta business? I’m a buyer; if they’re in business, I’m not a buyer. You know what? Once a buyer, always a buyer. And when it comes to coin leads and buyers, you know, if you pitch the same product everybody out there is pitching, they’re not gonna buy from ya. But if they’re pitching silver Eagles, and they’re pitching whatever and probably marking them up way too high, and you come in and you’re talking about the Saint-Gaudens, the high relief Saint-Gaudens, or maybe a collection of ten Saint-Gaudens, whatever, a portfolio, a collection, a set, whatever, you’re gonna have tremendous success.

These are people save. These are people that when the coins come, they take that coin and they put it in their safe. They’re collectors. They don’t wanna collect the same thing. They want something new. So, if you’re looking for coin leads- and what we mean by coin buyers, hopefully, is numismatic coin buyers, or even, you know, the bullion coins like the Eagle, the silver Eagle, the gold Eagle, the gold Buffalo, and so on. Again, they’re a dollar apiece, thousand dollar minimum. We’ve got 50,000, and we’re getting some real, real nice action off them. Any questions about coin leads call me at 561-239-0364.

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