
Investor Lead vs. Investor Leads

Hi everybody welcome to not to be mistaken with we started this company back in nineteen and I just want to tell you the differences between my company and First of all the mothership is sales right there and like I said we’ve been around 31 years we have an A+rating. 

The fundamental difference between my company and is that they sell info usa data and that’s all they sell. It’s a phone book and they do what’s called model information and they’ll take a zip plus four. So they’ll do average so they’ll take a

zip plus four and take everybody’s income and average everybody’s age and it’s divided

by how many there are in that zip code.

These people are going to say i don’t know what you’re talking about. Wherewith us you’re getting actually a private placement memorandum recipient or you’re getting a guy who actually bought and it’s a big difference from opening up a phone book and getting a guy’s number as opposed to getting a lead from sales or

Talking to that guy he’s vetted he’s been mailed a private placement memorandum and it is such a huge difference so if you want to compare apples to apples.

So the bottom line is you know phone book info USA sales genie I mean it’s unless. If you’re doing something like a real targeted campaign you only want a particular zip code. As far as investors and the private placement memorandum, does not do that. So if you want some real good leads you want to give us a call, call me 561-239-0364 have a beautiful day and God bless.

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