
Gold and Coin Buyers

Welcome to, are you looking for gold and coin buyers? Well, you have come to the right place! Investor Lead is affiliated with and we have been in the lead game for over 31 years specializing in accredited investors! We have many different lead options to choose from.

What are gold and coin buyers?

Gold and coin buyers are gold and silver dealers who buy or sell gold and silver coins. These buyers may resell the coins to all types of financial institutions such as banks, brokerage firms, and precious metals dealers. They may also hold their personal balance of physical gold in their own name or trust account; where they can be contacted for delivery when needed. It is usually the case that if the individual is buying a large amount in one shipment, that they will work with a bullion bank (trust company) to provide liquidity to facilitate the sale in order to obtain the agreed-upon price.

Will this list work if I am selling gold and coins?

Yes! This list is perfect if you need to find gold and coin buyers. It will save you countless hours of looking online, in the phone book or through other sources. The leads are prequalified so the chances of your phone calls not being returned are much lower than what they would be otherwise. The leads can be used by selling gold and coin buyers or by individuals looking to buy coins or bullion coins that are graded.

Why should I use for my gold and coin buyers?

We are the leaders of our industry and have been doing business for over 31 years! This is a proven method of marketing, using a new website that allows direct communication with the customer.

How can I get these leads?

Contact us today to learn about all of our various lead options! The more you order, the cheaper it is per lead. Our minimum is $1,000 per order. Get your hands on the hottest leads at!

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