Welcome to Investor Lead, we have been in business for 30+ years specializing in accredited investors. If you are looking for oil & gas investor leads then you have come to the right place!
What are oil & gas investor leads?
Oil & gas investor leads are individuals or companies that have expressed a desire to invest in oil and gas properties, specifically drillers and operators. Our quality investor leads are generated from our vast network of reputable websites, blogs, and social media outlets. With over 1 Million monthly page views our exposure is enormous.
Why use oil & gas investor leads?
Investor lead services such as ours provide you with highly targeted visitors that are looking for specific information. Investor leads are the opposite of spam, they are interested in your service or business and know what they are looking for. These leads are not only highly qualified but ready to do business with you today.
How should I use oil & gas investor leads?
Investor leads can be used and treated very similarly to a normal lead. Contrary to popular belief, investor leads will become paying clients; it will just take longer. It is important that you keep in touch with these individuals until such a time that they have a need or desire to purchase from you, if you do then you’ll be the first person they call.
How should I contact my investor leads?
Our investor leads are usually middle to high-level executives in their companies, meaning you need to speak their language and communicate with them as such. Many times it is best to keep things short and simple, but then again it depends on each individual company. This will take some trial and error on your part so be patient as you find out more about your potential customers.
If you have any further questions regarding our oil & gas investor leads, please contact us today!